Corona virus effect

Just like the rest of the world Groene Takken has felt the effects of the corona virus. Last week one after another of the corporate customers cancelled their workshops in March: understandable but painful. Then last Monday all of the care-farms closed the doors to their clients. They were no longer welcome which was not only painful to everyone involved but also potentially disastrous for Groene Takken. I had just finished transporting almost 800 logs to different care-farms so that the logs could be innoculated by the clients in the period March – half April. But… no clients, no innoculation, no edible logs and essentially no more Groene Takken.  Oeps. With the help of the remaining staff on the biggest care-farm we arranged that a small number op people could be brought in to innoculate the logs on site. A good solution for everyone… or so I thought. I started the arrangements. A few days later I had a short-lived but intense panic attack and threw my carefully made plans out of the window. After listening constantly to the development of the corona-virus and combined with a chance remark made by an acquaintance about a possibe “lock-down” I suddenly decided that a total “lock-down” was more than likely the following week (week 14). This would mean that nobody would be able to get to the logs. The only option left was to get the logs to the people. It would be impossible for me to innoculate all of the 800 logs by myself in three weeks. I needed help. I started contacting people that I thought could be interested in receiving a small stack of logs in the next few days and luckily a number of them accepted the challenge. The past couple of days have been spent picking up the logs and bringing them to a temporary home. Some people were able to pick up the logs themselves. The majority of the logs have ended up at my home and my car will have to get used to a new parking place. My backyard is shady and once the logs have been innoculated the logs can enjoy a sheltered moist environment until they can go back to their care-farm once again. And now… if there is a ”lock-down” then I will have enough to keep me busy and Groene Takken will have a future and if my gamble is wrong than at least my traveltime to my workplace will be reduced to zero.

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