Forest time

Busy, busy, busy. Sometimes there are times when you wonder why there are not enough hours in the day. When everyone wants to get in touch and when there seems to be a confectious buying disease in the air. With the start of the shii-take log soaking season I am now three days a week at the Edible Log Farm instead of the two days during the colder season.  This leaves two – three days and evenings for computer work (webshop, answering emails, PR, projects, data analysis) and visits elsewhere. I usually work a couple of hours in the evening doing administration and answering emails and often a number of hours in the weekend. The Edible Log Farm is a short hours drive from my house so I am at least 6 hours a week sitting in the car. Sometimes I arrive in the morning, select the logs for their soaking experience, hurl them in the water, heave the tractor tyres on top to keep them weighted down, check the other logs for mushooms and then head off to a following appointment. Other days interested people come to have a chat about the possibilty of setting up their own Log Farm or come to buy an edible log.  Occasionally there is a volunteer to help with the daily chores but usually I am alone along with warbling birds, snails with invisible teeth and murderous mosquitoes. Despite the harmonius surroundings, it is the moments that my agenda gets too full that mistakes start to be made. Life does not have to be perfect but when orders from the webshop get mixed up then it is time to put the brakes on, slow down and spend more time in the forest.


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