If someone wants to visit an “Edible Log Farm” then there is not that much choice. This week it was a coming and going of interested visitors…. On Friday I received a small family group and it appeared that the visit to the Edible Log Farm was a birthday present. I was not the only one to be suprised to hear that during the introduction but the happy(?) recipient was as well. He had never heard of edible wood and had no idea what to expect. Not astonshingly there were no difficult questions! After a thorough tour of the nursery the rather confused looking guest-of-honor received another surprise from his creative daughter-secret organizer; an edible log as a present to take home and to eat up!
On Sunday the Edible Log Nursery was open to the public as part of an Eco(logical) garden route. After a disappointing number of visitors last year I had decided to consider the day as just another work day but with intermittent interruptions from curious people. With this positive frame of mind I had made a whole list of tasks that I wanted to carry out. The first visitors came a half hour after the opening time. The next group of visitors arrived twenty minutes later followed by a customer who came specifically to buy some products. And this was the pattern throughout the whole day and I had just enough time for a cup of tea and a couple of sandwiches. The last couple left almost an hour after the official closing time. Even though the number of visitors was not enormous, they all kept me busy and were very keen to go home with a purchase for themselves or for someone else. At the end of the day the list of things I had wanted to do but had not done was cut extremely short and the most essential tasks were very quickly carried out . It was a long but gratifying day.
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