Wet feet

January is usually the time that the trees for Edible Wood are felled. This year is different. It is almost February and the logs are still in the forest, not horizontal but vertical. The trees are still growing strong but with their roots in water. The poor sandy soil has turned into poor sandy mud. No vehicles allowed! You can get in but can’t get out. Working in the forest can only take place when the water has subsided. The weather forecast for the next two weeks is predicting showers and that is not good news. Once cut down the logs have to rest for at least three weeks before they can be inoculated and time is running short for the 1st March starting date.
Time to think about alternatives…. prune large trees? buy logs direct from a wood trader? make a deal to swap recently harvested firewood logs with my ordered logs that will hopefully be available in several weeks? access fallen down trees from the past storms? Whatever the choice will be it will be a challenge…. and I just hope that the rain filled clouds will drop their load somewhere else…. dry shoes for me!

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