And all of a sudden it is the end of the year – 31st december 2023. Time to creep behind the computer, fill in the blanks in the spreadsheets and analyze numbers. Did the feeling of being busy corroberate with the digits on paper? Which products sold well and who bought them? Which activities were worth their while? Only once these questions and others can be answered is it possible to look ahead and plan for the coming year. I remember many years ago when I had just begun on the path of developing Edible Wood and was trying to work out if it was financially feasible. The long dark evenings were filled with creating my fortune with the help of a spreadsheet. Hours of assumed manual work were boiled down to a single digit and creative assumptions were the order of the day. Terribly easy and I was convinced that I would be a millionair in no time. Ha ha. Nowadays the spreadsheet is more sober and accurate with just smudges of creativity. And although the millionair milestone is still somewhere immeasurably far in the future, my daily life is rich with forest air, dirty knees and captivated customers. To be continued……