Internal network

Communicating with oneself is, not surprisingly, totally different to communicating with someone else. Although the language is the same, expression and meaning is adjusted according to the recipient. When making a request, giving an order …

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Edible Wood Farm Work Days

Every year in March and April interested people can help with inoculating the newly harvested logs at one of the Edible Wood Farms. Every inoculation session is built up of a small number of people …

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Hanging Mushrooms

Snails and slugs are very useful creatures but are not usually welcome in a vegetable garden. They can travel at about one meter per hour and have exceptional smelling senses. When the wine-capped stropharia mushrooms …

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Logs galore

Last week two hired tree workers went to work in my designated forest plot. Innumerable coppice stumps with their many thin small tree stems had to be felled. The two young men started their workday …

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Where is the wood?

Once the leaves begin to fall the trees begin to fall as well. Forest work begins and I begin to get edgy because it is time to ensure next year’s supply of logs. This year …

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Photo shoot

Today I picked 5 different types op mushroom from a number of inoculated logs at the Edible Wood Farm in Gaanderen. Edible of course and looking good despite the cold weather: shii-take, phoenix oyster mushrooms, …

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Forest chef

It is well known that snails and slugs like to eat mushrooms. I have never seen deer eating mushrooms but have heard many reports about their extended dietary preferances. Birds like to stand sit on …

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“It’s raining mushrooms”

August was dry and hot. September began cool and wet. The sharp distinction between these weather types was a signal for many fungi to get on with producing the next generation: mushroom making. The shii-take …

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shiitake in schaaltje

Behind the screen

August 2022: Summer, the period when mushroom logs are busy not doing anything and when an Edible Wood Farmer can creep into the office and just stay there and grow computer roots. This last summer …

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“Veggie Garden”

June 2022: What can you expect to find in a vegetable garden? The answer is quite obvious and can also include fruit such as berries, an apple tree or two and a range of aromatic …

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